SkyREM partners with Indego, a Bicycle sharing system in Support of Sustainable Living
We are thrilled to announce that Indego, the public bicycle sharing system running throughout the city of Philadelphia, has committed to a long-term lease at SkyREM’s historic Quartermaster site in downtown Philadelphia. The site will serve as Indego’s HQ and main operational center.
Since its launch in 2015, Indego has opened 165 stations with over 1,500 bicycles, including the electric bike which was later introduced in 2019. Five million rides later, the bicycle sharing company continues making big strides in achieving a more sustainable future for transportation.
Investing in the Environment
With sustainability being at the heart of our company, our focus aims to make the world a better place, through sustainable property development and investing in companies we believe would make the most positive impact. That is why we are more than thrilled to be supporting and collaborating with Indego bike share, a company that shares our values of health equity and environmental preservation, making it the most suitable partner to promote sustainable traveling, essentially making the environment healthy and livable.
A Historical Landmark
With one million square feet spanning across six buildings, the 24-acre campus is located in the Girard Estate area of South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We’re pleased to have our site as the HQ for Philadelphia’s Exclusive Bike Ride Share Partner. The property happens to be a historic landmark, earning its spot on the National Register of historic places.
Originally constructed in 1799, the property was used for various purposes throughout two centuries, from serving as a military distribution center to a celery farm. It first became a storage and distribution center for the U.S. military and paid annuities to the Native American tribes that upheld treaties with the government. Many tourists visit the site for its legacy of sheltering Lewis and William Clark during their expedition in 1803.
In 1918, the Philadelphia Quartermaster functioned as an extension of the 19th-century Schuylkill Arsenal, used to provide the U.S. military with uniforms and supplies during World War I. The property employed thousands of Philadelphian tailors and seamstresses who provided the army with these needs. Throughout history the landmark was given different titles including “the largest purchaser of textiles and textile products in the world” as well as “little Pentagon.” At the time, the textile industry was most prominent in Philadelphia, employing close to 40 percent of workers. The campus had its own rail, police and fire service for its 15,000 residents.
Continuing the Legacy
Today, SkyREM is thrilled to be a part of the monumental property’s legacy, developing the historical landmark and transforming it into a vibrant destination for future generations to visit and have a sustainable and accessible transportation system that supports our environment.